International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 28 Issue 1


Table of contents

Viewpoint: retailer power, manufacturer power, competition and some questions of economic analysis

John Dawson

Comments on the increase in the discussion in the UK on retail competition, retailer power and the relationships that exist between retailers and suppliers. Asserts that in many…


Consumer response to online grocery shopping

Michelle A. Morganosky, Brenda J. Cude

Reports a preliminary assessment of consumer response to and demand for online food retail channels. Data were collected from 243 US consumers who currently buy their groceries…


Retail borrowing: insights and implications on returning used merchandise

Francis Piron, Murray Young

Defines a particular form of returned purchases and explores its pervasiveness. Consumers who engage in “retail borrowing” purchase items with the deliberate intention to return…


Exploring companion selling: does the situation affect customers’ perceptions?

Michael Jay Polonsky, Heidi Cameron, Sara Halstead, Angela Ratcliffe, Pietro Stilo, Gillian Watt

Examines whether respondents’ attitudes towards companion selling (i.e. suggesting the purchase of a related good) varies based on two hypothetical situations. The results suggest…

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  • Prof Neil Towers