Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 20 Issue 1


Table of contents

Experiencing institutionalization: the development of new budgets in the UK devolved bodies

Mahmoud Ezzamel, Noel Hyndman, Åge Johnsen, Irvine Lapsley, June Pallot

This paper aims to examine an early stage of the institutionalization of accounting practices in devolved UK governments, concentrating on: the construction by devolved bodies of…


Household accounting in Australia: Prescription and practice from the 1820s to the 1960s

Garry D. Carnegie, Stephen P. Walker

Beyond the public world of work, the home provides an arena for examining accounting and gender in everyday life. This study aims to examine household accounting in Australia from…


Rhetoric in standard setting: the case of the going‐concern audit

Walter Masocha, Pauline Weetman

This paper seeks to explore in depth the ways in which the rhetoric of the standard setter responds to comments received during development of a standard.


Framing and overflowing of public sector accountability innovations: A comparative study of reporting practices

Mark Christensen, Peter Skærbæk

This paper aims to explain why public sector performance reporting that emphasises external accountability may turn out differently from the official stated aims.


Photographs and accountability: cracking the codes of an NGO

Jane Davison

The purpose of this paper is to formulate an analytical model for interpreting photographs in accountability statements from Barthes' celebrated theoretical work on photography…


The road to profit

Sharron O'Neill

This paper aims to reflect on the boundaries of corporate responsibility in the outsourcing relationships between chain stores, transport companies and owner‐driver truck…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker