Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 22 Issue 1


Table of contents

Championing intellectual pluralism

Lee Parker, James Guthrie

This editorial seeks to argue for intellectual pluralism and adventurous enquiry in an era of status badging of publication venues and institutions and to review AAAJ's role…


Legitimacy and parliamentary oversight in Australia: The rise and fall of two public accounts committees

Kerry Jacobs, Kate Jones

The purpose of this paper is to address the question of whether two early Australian public accounts committees were established for the purpose of legitimating governments of the…


FTSE4Good: exploring its implications for corporate conduct

David Collison, George Cobb, David Power, Lorna Stevenson

The purpose of the paper is to critically evaluate membership of the FTSE4Good “socially responsible investment” indices (membership of which is based on ethical criteria), which…


Bundling management control innovations: A field study of organisational experimenting with total quality management and the balanced scorecard

Sven Modell

The purpose of the paper is to examine how organisational experimenting with total quality management (TQM) and the balanced scorecard affects the bundling of design…


Institutionalization and practice variation in the management control of a global/local setting

Inês Cruz, Maria Major, Robert W. Scapens

The paper aims to look at a joint venture (JV) set up by a Portuguese company and a global corporation (GC) in the hospitality sector. The paper seeks to examine how, and why the…


Conceptualising future change in corporate sustainability reporting

Carol A. Adams, Glen Whelan

The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise how future changes in corporate social disclosure (CSD), aimed at improving accountability for corporate performance to key…


Economia, or a woman in a man's world

Michael Page, Laura F. Spira

Why would a body seeking to represent its members as the prime advisers to business choose a domestic goddess for its main visual image? The paper aims to examine recent changes…

Cover of Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker