Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 5 Issue 2


Table of contents

Regulation of Accountancy and Accountants: A Comparative Analysis of Accounting for Research and Development in Four Advanced Capitalist Countries

Hugh C. Willmott, Anthony G. Puxty, Keith Robson, David J. Cooper, E. Anthony Lowe

Explores the development of regulations for “Accounting forResearch and Development” in four countries: USA, UK, FederalRepublic of Germany and Sweden. Seeks to illuminate the…


Do We Need to Consider the Individual Auditor when Discussing Auditor Independence?

Tad Miller

Casual observation indicates that partners in accounting firmsoccasionally select actions which expose their firms to great risk. Amodel illustrates conditions when a partner may…


Pluralizing Our Past: Foucault in Accounting History

Ross E. Stewart

Delineates differing attitudes towards knowledge of the past inaccounting and illustrates one of these by referring to accountinghistories informed by the work of Michel Foucault…


Changes in the Public Sector: A Review of Recent “Alternative” Accounting Research

Jane Broadbent, James Guthrie

Reviews some recent contributions to “alternative”accounting research in relation to the changes which have taken place inthe public sector, and which have altered the structure…


Management Control and Accounting Systems under a Competitive Strategy

Gary M. Cunningham

Explores management control and accounting systems of threesuccessfully competing companies to gain deeper insight and fillknowledge gaps. Results show that management control and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker