
Sizwe Timothy Phakathi (Chamber of Mines of South Africa, University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science and University of Johannesburg)

Production, Safety and Teamwork in a Deep-Level Mining Workplace

ISBN: 978-1-78714-564-1, eISBN: 978-1-78714-563-4

Publication date: 9 November 2017

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Phakathi, S.T. (2017), "Index", Production, Safety and Teamwork in a Deep-Level Mining Workplace, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 253-259.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited



bonus and
, 94, 100–104

, 100

, 100

, 101–102

occupational illnesses
, 101–102

, 100–101

Absenteeism without permission (AWOP)
, 94, 104

Ackroyd, S.
, 15, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 55–56, 72, 78, 97, 108, 109, 197, 234, 257

AfricaGold mine
, 25–33

fatal injuries
, 32

poor mine planning
, 109–113

production costs
, 31

production sections
, 26

production volume
, 30–31

Safety is Our First Value
, 31–32

safety performance
, 32–33, 33

, 26

AIFR. See All injury frequency rate (AIFR)

All injury frequency rate (AIFR)
, 32

Allsop, D.
, 39, 54

AMCU. See Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU)

Appelbaum, E.
, 199, 210

Appin Inquiry
, 59

Artful sabotage
, 49

Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU)
, 31, 114

Atkinson, P.
, 25

Autocratic supervisory styles
, 156–157

, 191

AWOP. See Absenteeism without permission (AWOP)

Baby Boomers
, 125–126

Bailey, T.
, 199, 210

Balogun, J.
, 225

Bamforth, K. W.
, 89, 212, 213

Barker, J. R.
, 131

Barling, J.
, 210

Beck, J. P.
, 16

Beer, M.
, 133

Bensman, J.
, 60

Berg, P.
, 199, 210

Bezuidenhout, A.
, 34, 114, 116–117, 118, 220

Bieder, C.
, 15, 55, 80

Billett, S.
, 78

Blauner, R.
, 43

Blokland, P.
, 214

Blyton, P.
, 39–40

Boje, D.
, 104

Bolton, S.
, 15, 16, 43, 44, 78, 137

Bonus scheme
, 40

absenteeism and
, 94, 100–104

co-worker conflict
, 129–131

, 91–95

implementation at the rock-face
, 95–117

ineffective shop-steward leadership
, 113–117

, 103, 113

mechanical breakdowns
, 75–76

, 88–90

poor mine planning
, 109–113

poor resourcing
, 108–109

as significant motivator
, 88

work intensification
, 94, 103, 104–108

Borys, D.
, 15, 16, 52, 55, 80, 81, 210, 221, 222, 223

Bourrier, M.
, 15, 55, 80

Bozzoli, B.
, 40

Braverman, H.
, 39

, 116

Budgetary constraints
, 71–72

Buhlungu, S.
, 34, 114, 116–117, 118, 220

Burawoy, M.
, 43, 44, 50–51, 53, 56, 78, 80

, 15, 16, 39, 42, 52, 80, 209–212

Calveley, M.
, 39, 54

Cannon, M. D.
, 133

, 48

Chamber of Mines of South Africa
, 1–2

Change management
, 163–180

CoalCo Mining Company
, 70

, 200–201

Cole, R. E.
, 134

Collinson, D.
, 17, 48, 54

Communication, supervisory styles
, 195–198

Computerisation of migrant labour system
, 40

Conchie, S. M.
, 190–191

Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
, 114

, 37, 43, 47, 61, 78

Conway, E.
, 61

, 39, 57, 82, 87–117, 131, 201

, 116

COSATU. See Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)

Cost-cutting measures, SDWT training and
, 157–158

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
, 29

Co-worker conflict
, 129–137

advent of
, 47

implications of
, 137–138

, 131–132

team-based production bonus scheme
, 129–131

Cropanzano, R.
, 184

Crush, J.
, 40–41

CSIR. See Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

Dalton, M.
, 45, 47, 57–58, 61, 71, 95, 130, 138

Deep-level mining

leadership styles
, 183–203

, 128–129

, 79–80

workplace ethnography
, 25–33

Deery, S. P.
, 48, 56

Dekker, S.W.A.
, 15, 16, 52, 80, 81, 210, 211, 213, 219

Delbridge, R.
, 60–61

Dennis, N.
, 54–55, 133

Devinatz, V. G.
, 43, 48, 49, 53, 54, 58, 89, 211

Dickinson, W. J.
, 41, 49

Diversity management
, 138, 174, 220, 221

Electronic surveillance systems
, 41

Emery, F. E.
, 213, 226

Employee involvement
, 115, 124, 138, 191, 196, 220

Entrepreneurial union representative
, 117

Equipment failure
, 155

, 25–33

Fairness. See Trust and fairness

, 6

Finlay, W.
, 39, 58

Flanders, A.
, 113, 218

Ford, Henry
, 38

, 38

Foucault, M.
, 40

Frick, K.
, 219

Frontline supervisors

as agent and recipient of workplace change
, 187–188

changing nature of
, 187

personality, identity or behaviour
, 187

planisa (making a plan)
, 185–186

as serious facilitator
, 223–225

supervisory styles
, 188–203

See also Supervisory styles

Frontline workers, informal work practices
, 43–55

Functional misbehaviour
, 50, 72, 82

Gee, P.
, 14, 78, 144, 210

Generational differences
, 123

Generation X
, 126

Generation Y. See Millennials

Gerver, I.
, 60

Ghanem, W.
, 226–227

Gherardi, S.
, 77, 81, 211, 221

Goffman, E.
, 49–50

, 25

operational factors
, 32, 33

safety performance
, 32–33

Gold sector
, 2–3

Gouldner, A. W.
, 55, 57, 59

Grote, G.
, 210

Hale, A.
, 15, 16, 52, 55, 80, 81, 210, 221, 222, 223

Hale, A. R.
, 211

Hammersley, M.
, 25

Hawthorne studies
, 41–43

Henriques, F.
, 54–55, 133

, 133

Hill, R. P.
, 127

, 102

Hodson, R.
, 16, 29, 82, 90, 101, 109, 131, 144, 164, 177, 195, 200

Hopkins, A.
, 51–52, 59, 62, 77, 81, 88, 109, 210, 211, 214–215, 225

Horizontal conflict
, 47

Houlihan, M.
, 15, 16, 43, 44, 78, 137

Hudson, P. T. W.
, 211, 213

Hull, G.
, 14, 78, 144, 210

ILO. See International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Incentive scheme

design of
, 88

literature on
, 90

production goals and
, 88

reasons for
, 91–92

Informal work practices
, 37–61

frontline workers
, 43–55

Hawthorne studies
, 41–43

managerial interests
, 55–61

, 37–38

scientific management
, 38–41

Informal organisation
, 27, 37, 210–213, 222

Intensification of work. See Work intensification

International Labour Organisation (ILO)
, 90

Iszatt-White, M.
, 15, 81, 221

Iverson, R. D.
, 48, 56, 210

Jenkins, J.
, 39–40

Jermier, J. M.
, 61

Job promotion
, 107

Johnson, G.
, 225

Junor, A.
, 48

Kalleberg, A. L.
, 199, 210

Komache, K.
, 79–80

Kumar, P.
, 113

Labour process
, 15, 17, 28, 38, 39, 234

Labour shortages

absenteeism without permission
, 104

occupational illnesses
, 101–102

Lankshear, C.
, 14, 78, 144, 210

LaNuez, D.
, 61

Lawton, R.
, 80, 211, 213

Leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship

, 184

planisa (making a plan) and
, 185–186

quality of
, 184–185

work-related outcomes
, 184

See also Supervisory styles


, 193–195

weak, trade union
, 113–117

See also Supervisory styles

Learning Hub (MOSH)
, 5, 29

Leger, J.
, 40, 52, 55, 78, 88, 101, 167

Leidner, R.
, 47–48

Lingard, H.
, 80

Lost-time injury (LTI)
, 93

Lowe, J.
, 60–61

LTI. See Lost-time injury (LTI)

Lupton, T.
, 43, 46, 47, 59

Lutchman, C.
, 226–227

MacNeil, C.
, 187

Maguire, K.
, 79–80

Maharaj, R.
, 226–227

Managerial interests, informal work practices and
, 55–61

Marek, J.
, 213, 226

Marriott, R.
, 90

Martin, R.
, 51

Marx, Karl
, 99, 106, 107

Maslen, S.
, 88, 89, 210, 214–215, 225

Material shortages
, 72–73

, 47–48

McHughes, Robert
, 30

Mechanical breakdowns
, 73–76

production bonuses
, 75–76

production pressure
, 74–75

SDWT training and
, 155


fuss about
, 127–128

multigenerational workplace
, 125–126

organisational socialisation
, 127

positive accounts
, 127–128

post-apartheid workplace
, 128–129

, 127

Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA)
, 3, 76, 102

Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC)
, 3

Mining Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)
, 5

, 50, 82, 97, 103, 197

Mitchell, M.
, 184

Monks, K.
, 61

MOSH. See Mining Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH)

Mulholland, K.
, 42, 48

Multigenerational workplace
, 125–126

organisational socialisation
, 127

Myers, K. K.
, 127

National Treasury of South Africa
, 2

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)
, 114

National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
, 31

Nichols, T.
, 51, 56, 59, 62, 74, 77, 103, 105, 108, 219

Nicolini, D.
, 77, 81, 211, 221

Nippon CTV
, 60

Non-monetary incentive
, 224–225

NUM. See National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)

O’Brien, M.
, 48

Occupational fatalities
, 6

Occupational health and safety (OHS)
, 3, 5–6

O’Connell, M.
, 187

O’Donnell, M.
, 48

Olson, M.
, 225

Operational efficiency
, 14, 79, 89–90, 164, 175–176

Organisational citizenship
, 144, 224

Organisational socialisation
, 127

Organisation of production
, 191–192

Osterman, P.
, 90, 210

, 40–41

Parker, D.
, 80, 211, 213

Participant observation
, 25–26, 28–29, 31, 44, 231

PDS. See Proximity detection systems (PDS)

PGM. See Platinum group metals (PGM)

Phakathi, T. S.
, 29–30, 45, 220

, 48

Piece-rate system
, 40

Piece-wage system
, 106

Pietikainen, E.
, 214, 215, 217

Planisa (making a plan)
, 17, 185

budgetary constraints
, 71–72

LMX relationship and
, 185–186

material shortages
, 72–73

pros and cons of
, 76–79

, 80–82

, 71

triggers of
, 70–73

workplace change and
, 79–80

Platinum group metals (PGM)
, 1

Poor mine planning
, 109–113

Poor resourcing of mining teams
, 108–109

Post-apartheid workplace, Millennials at
, 128–129

Prasad, A.
, 43, 49

Prasad, P.
, 43, 49

, 16, 52–53, 210, 211


bonus scheme. See Bonus scheme

organisation of
, 191–192

pressure, mechanical breakdowns and
, 74–75

Production crews
, 80, 106, 154, 157, 173, 185, 186, 188–191

Proximity detection systems (PDS)
, 5

Reason, J.
, 15–16, 17, 52, 80, 82, 210, 211, 212, 213

Rees, C.
, 104, 138, 144, 145

Reiman, T.
, 214, 215, 217

Remiers, G.
, 214

, 14, 15, 37, 38, 47, 53, 88, 163, 166, 167, 179

to bureaucratisation
, 52

, 42

covert forms of
, 43, 45, 48–49

overt forms of
, 43

Resourcing of mining teams

bonus scheme and
, 108–109

Richards, J.
, 15, 49, 50, 62, 72, 82, 97, 108, 221

Roethlisberger, F. J.
, 41, 49

Rosenthal, P.
, 42, 47

Rowlinson, S.
, 80

Roy, Donald
, 43, 44–45

Russell, B.
, 104

Sadaghiani, K.
, 127

Safety is Our First Value
, 31–32

Safety performance
, 6

Schmitz, P.
, 214

The Science of Muddling Through (Lindblom)
, 50

Scientific management, informal work practices
, 38–41

, 91

See also Bonus scheme

Self-directed work team (SDWT) training
, 144–153

, 152–153

autocratic supervisory styles
, 156–157

cost-cutting measures
, 157–158

lack of supplies
, 154

organisational and managerial support
, 155–156

, 144–145

production results
, 158–161, 159–160

workplace implementation
, 153

Shift-bosses, supervisory styles of
, 188–203

, 195–198

, 193–195

organisation of production
, 191–192

team cohesiveness
, 200–201

trust and fairness
, 198–200

worker motivation
, 202–203

See also Leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship

Shop-floor culture
, 77

Shop-floor supervisors. See Frontline supervisors

Shop-steward leadership
, 113–117

See also Trade union

, 101–102

Slaughter, C.
, 54–55, 133

Socialisation. See Organisational socialisation

Social support
, 190, 191

Sociology of Work Programme (SWOP)
, 29

Socio-technical system
, 213–218

Solansky, S. T.
, 124

Sommerville, M.
, 70

South African mines

economic performance
, 2–3

employment/job opportunities
, 2, 3

extractive techniques
, 1

occupational health and safety initiatives
, 3, 5–6

production costs
, 1–2

safety performance
, 6, 7–13

workplace change initiatives
, 6, 14–17

, 16, 39, 40, 48, 52, 209, 210, 211, 212

Stereotypes, Millennials
, 127

Supervisors. See Frontline supervisors

Supervisory styles

, 156–157

, 195–198

, 193–195

organisation of production
, 191–192

, 188–203

team cohesiveness
, 200–201

trust and fairness
, 198–200

worker motivation
, 202–203

SWOP. See Sociology of Work Programme (SWOP)

Swutse, P.
, 211, 214

Tacit knowledge
, 43–44, 52, 55, 77, 167, 194, 209–210, 221–223

Taylor, Frederick Winslow
, 37, 38–41, 77–78

, 37, 38–41, 77–78


, 200–201

, 124


criticism of
, 124

high-performing work groups
, 128

Theunissen, J.
, 214

Thompson, P.
, 15, 38, 42, 44, 46, 55–56, 72, 97, 108, 109, 197, 234, 257

Thompson, W. E.
, 49

, 100, 104

Trade union
, 26, 27–28, 31

, 116

production bonuses and
, 88, 113–117

, 113

weak leadership
, 113–117

Transformational leadership style
, 190, 223–224

Tripartite Action Plan
, 5

Trist, E. L.
, 89, 212, 213

Trust and fairness
, 198–200

, 101–102

Ultra-deep mining
, 70

Vallas, S. P.
, 15, 16, 81, 138

Verschuur, W. L.
, 211, 213

Veteran Generation
, 125

VFL. See Visible-felt leadership (VFL)

, 80, 81, 213

Visible-felt leadership (VFL)
, 205

von Holdt, K.
, 113–114

Walsh, J. T.
, 48, 56

Walters, D.
, 219

Watson, T. J.
, 75–76, 81

Webster, E.
, 14, 30, 78, 99, 113–114

Weick, K. E.
, 211, 221

Winsor, R.
, 104

Work culture of planisa
, 80–82

See alsoPlanisa (making a plan)

Work process
, 14–15, 17, 28, 30, 37–61, 69–83, 104, 128, 144, 145, 161, 166, 179, 210–212, 213, 214, 222

Work rules
, 16, 56, 60, 62, 80, 89, 185, 192, 197

Worker alienation, Marxist theory of
, 81


, 202–203

restrictive practices
, 38

scientific management
, 38–41

Work group dynamics
, 124

Work intensification, bonus and
, 94, 103, 104–108


, 125

, 125–126

See also Frontline supervisors; Supervisory styles

Work teams

autocratic supervisory styles
, 156–157

equipment failure
, 155

mechanical breakdowns
, 155

organisational and managerial support
, 155–156

Yarrow, M.
, 39

Zacharatos, A.
, 210

Zero harm
, 5–6