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Revisiting the impact of VR applications on hotel bookings

Sungsik Yoon (Collins College of Hospitality Management, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, USA)
Mehmet Erdem (College of Hospitality, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
Markus Schuckert (Lester E. Kabacoff School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Administration, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
Patrick C. Lee (Collins College of Hospitality Management, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, USA)

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

ISSN: 1757-9880

Article publication date: 24 July 2021

Issue publication date: 5 August 2021




The current study aims to investigate hotel guests’ intention to use virtual reality (VR) and willingness to pay more for hotels that have VR applications (e.g. virtual room tour) when booking a hotel.


Through a theoretical lens of stimuli–organism–response (S-O-R), relationships among an individual’s performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, utilitarian motivation, hedonic motivation, perceived value, intention to use VR and willingness to pay more for VR were tested using partial least square-structural equation modeling.


Performance expectancy, social influence, utilitarian motivation and hedonic motivation affect the perceived value of VR. An individual’s perceived value of VR affects his/her intention to use VR and willingness to pay more for a hotel that has VR contents (e.g. virtual room tour) available during the hotel booking process.


Through the S-O-R framework, this study provided insights into hotel guests’ intention to use VR and explored how their intentions lead to their willingness to pay more for a hotel if VR is available during the reservation or hotel selection process.




本论文旨在检验酒店客人使用VR和愿意预定提供VR应用(比如, 参观虚拟房间)的酒店房间。


通过基于S-O-R理论基础, 本论文搭建了模型, 描述个人绩效期望、努力期望、社交影响、实用型动机、和享乐型动机、感知价值、VR使用意图、和VR溢价支付意愿等相互关系, 使用PLS-SEM方法检测模型。


研究结果表明, 绩效期望、社交影响、实用型动机、和享乐型动机对VR的感知价值都有影响。个人对VR感知价值对其使用VR和愿意预定提供VR应用(比如, 参观虚拟房间)的酒店房间。



The authors would like to acknowledge financial assistance from Collins College of Hospitality Management at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.


Yoon, S., Erdem, M., Schuckert, M. and Lee, P.C. (2021), "Revisiting the impact of VR applications on hotel bookings", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 489-511.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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