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What secretaries and typists like about their jobs

NIGEL BROMAGE (Establishment Department, Bank of England)
DESMOND GRAVES (Oxford Centre for Management Studies)

Industrial and Commercial Training

ISSN: 0019-7858

Article publication date: 1 September 1976



Concerned about the rising levels of turnover in junior typing staff, the Bank of England commissioned an enquiry by one of their senior personnel officers into the conditions which induced secretarial staff to work at the Bank and which if unfulfilled might cause them to leave. In all 62 Bank employees took part in the study, of which 23 were in the Typists'Training School, 23 were in the Exchange Control Department, and 16 were in the Accountant's Department. Additionally the findings were checked with data obtained from 16 female typists in Shell.


BROMAGE, N. and GRAVES, D. (1976), "What secretaries and typists like about their jobs", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 8 No. 9, pp. 347-351.




Copyright © 1976, MCB UP Limited

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