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The Library World Volume 6 Issue 7

New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 1 January 1904



IN 1896 an early printed Missale speciale was discovered in the collection of Ludwig Rosenthal of Munich. Two years later appeared a thirty‐paged pamphlet, entitled Ein Missale speciale, Vorläufer des Psalteriums von 1457, from the pen of Herr Otto Hupp. Soon after the publication of this pamphlet an abbreviated missal, illustrated with a wood‐cut, was found in the Benedictine Monastery of Lavanthal, in Carinthia. Towards the end of last year, as a consequence of this further discovery, Herr Hupp issued a second work of ninety‐eight folio pages, entitled Gutenberg's erste Druke, in which he developed the theory, first embodied in his former pamphlet, that the Missale speciale and the Missale Abbreviation are earlier examples of Gutenberg's work than the Psalmorum Codex, the Mazarin or forty‐two‐line Bible, or even the thirty‐one‐line indulgence of 1454, which is generally attributed to him. These two treatises have sprung a learned squabble in German and other continental bibliogaphical circles. Dr. Gottfried Zedler, of Wiesbaden, has constituted himself champion of the opponents of the theory, and the chief parties in the quarrel have just fought the matter out in the pages of the Centraiblatt für Bibliothekswesen.


(1904), "The Library World Volume 6 Issue 7", New Library World, Vol. 6 No. 7, pp. 172-200.




Copyright © 1904, MCB UP Limited

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