Feedback type as a moderator of the relationship between achievement goals and feedback reactions

Human Resource Management International Digest

ISSN: 0967-0734

Article publication date: 1 June 2012




Anseel, F. (2012), "Feedback type as a moderator of the relationship between achievement goals and feedback reactions", Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 20 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Feedback type as a moderator of the relationship between achievement goals and feedback reactions

Article Type: Abstracts From: Human Resource Management International Digest, Volume 20, Issue 3

Anseel F., Van Yperen N.W., Janssen O. and Duyck W.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, December 2011, Vol. 84 No. 4, Start page: 703, No. of pages: 20

Aims to shed new light on the inconsistent relationship between performance-approach (PAp) goals and feedback reactions by examining feedback type as a moderator. Results of a field experiment ( n=939 ) using a web-based work simulation task showed that the effect of achievement-approach goals was moderated by feedback type. Relative to individuals pursuing mastery-approach goals, individuals pursuing PAp goals responded more negatively to comparative feedback but not to task-referenced feedback. In line with the hypothesized mediated moderation model, the interaction between achievement goals and feedback type also indirectly affected task performance through feedback reactions. Providing employees with feedback is a key psychological principle used in a wide range of human resource and performance management instruments (e.g., developmental assessment centres, multi-source/360° feedback, training, selection, performance appraisal, management education, computer-adaptive testing, and coaching). Suggests that organizations need to strike a balance between encouraging learning and encouraging performance, as too much emphasis on comparative performance (both in goal inducement and in feedback style) may be detrimental to employees’ reactions and rate of performance improvement.ISSN: 0963-1798Reference: 41AA680

Keywords: Feedback, Goals, Motivation, Performance, Performance management

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