Angola: deaths by malaria reduce countrywide

International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance

ISSN: 0952-6862

Article publication date: 5 September 2008



(2008), "Angola: deaths by malaria reduce countrywide", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 21 No. 6.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Angola: deaths by malaria reduce countrywide

Article Type: News and views From: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Volume 21, Issue 6

Keywords Ill health prevention measures, Therapeutic effectiveness, Healthcare access

The number of deaths caused by malaria reduced by 3 million in the past two years, nationwide, due to the increase of prevention measures and the introduction of the new therapy about three years ago.

According to the member of the commission of fight against Malaria, Pedro Van-Dúnem, 3.246 million cases were diagnosed in 2003, whilst 7,800 were detected in 2007.

He added that there was also a reduction, in the number of sick persons, from 3.24 million in 2003, to 1.18 million in 2007.

The reduction in deaths resulted from the fulfilment of measures such as the increase of coverage in the pre-birth assistance, which includes the distribution of mosquito nets and the prevention of malaria during pregnancy, with Fansidar.

He added that 13 of the 18 provinces use Coartem as therapy for malaria, whilst the other five (Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Bié, Moxico and Benguela) use Arsucam.

This difference resulted from the insufficiency of Coartem during the first two years of the implementation of the new therapy. Coartem and Arsucam have the same efficacy.

Still according to the source, there has not been stock rupture at public and private units that have conditions to administer the new therapy, because Novartis through the Global Fund has been supplying medicines at lower prices, thereby enabling the government to distribute them freely.

Meanwhile, for the success of the combat to malaria, other measures should be linked to the above-mentioned ones, such as the anti-vector fight with pulverisation outside and inside residences in provinces where mosquito nursery have been found.

The new therapy has not yet been expanded to the whole country. For example, Luanda province (country’s capital), with over 100 health units, only 70 administer Coartem.

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