Debut of a new editorial advisory board

Journal of Business Strategy

ISSN: 0275-6668

Article publication date: 1 April 2004



(2004), "Debut of a new editorial advisory board", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 25 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Debut of a new editorial advisory board

Corporations usually pay people to be on their boards, but publications such as the Journal of Business Strategy rely on the willingness of people with expertise to share their knowledge. So it is gratifying that in just the past several months JBS has been able to attract a new editorial advisory board (EAB) of distinguished scholars, consultants and business people. We are using the editor's column for this issue to introduce the members briefly to readers.

First among equals is Catherine Daily, who holds the David H. Jacobs Chair in Strategic Management at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. She was my first real EAB member, suggested several other leading professors as members, and has been extraordinarily generous with her time. Catherine has been at the Kelley School since 1997 and was on the faculties of Purdue, Ohio State and Miami Universities prior to joining Indiana University. Her research interests include corporate governance (she and Dan Dalton write a column for each issue of JBS), strategic leadership, the dynamics of business failure, ownership structures, and managerial ethics. She has received a number of awards for excellence in teaching.

(in alphabetical order)

Eric Cornuel is the Director General and CEO of the European Foundation for Management Development in Brussels. He was named a Chevalier in the Order of the French "Palmes Académiques" in 2002. Eric has taught for 15 years at various management schools in France as well as in Warsaw, Lithuania, Budapest, and Kazakhstan. He has published widely.

Sydney Finkelstein is Steven Roth Professor of Management at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business. His areas of expertise are business policy and strategy and his current research focuses around early warning signs for corporate disasters, keys to leadership success, and learning from M&As. His latest book is Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes. He has published many other articles and books.

Dwight Gertz, as President of Celerant Consulting in Massachusetts, advises clients on fast tracks to growth in operational areas. He has worked in leadership roles for Bain & Company and Mercer Management Consulting. Dwight's most recent publication, Grow to be Great: Breaking the Downsizing Cycle, has been reprinted eight times in English.

Alice Guilhon du Hellen is the Dean of CERAM Sophia Antipolis, a European school of management in the heart of the Riviera's science and technology park. Alice, a "maître de conférence" at the Université de la Méditerranée, concentrates her teaching in strategy, organization and the methodology of research. Students at CERAM can participate and do research in the more than 2,000 enterprises in the technology park.

Usha C.V. Haley recently moved from the University of Tennessee to teach at the University of New Haven School of Management. She is an expert on Asia Pacific and has more than 70 books and journal articles to her credit. Her latest books on Asian strategy include New Asian Emperors: the Overseas Chinese and Strategic Management in the Asia Pacific. She also serves as a consultant to multinationals in four continents.

Michael A. Hitt is a Distinguished Professor and holds the Joseph Foster Chair in Business Leadership at Texas A&M University's Mays Business School. He has also taught as a visiting scholar at over 20 American universities since 1988 and has extensive consulting experience. Mike is co-editor of seven recent books and just published Competing for Advantage. He has received many awards and honors for scholarship.

R. Duane Ireland holds the W. David Robbins Chair in Strategic Management at the University of Richmond but is moving shortly to the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University where he will hold the Foreman R. and Ruby S. Bennett Chair in Business Administration. Duane is co-author of more than 70 articles and 10 books on strategic management, product innovation, entrepreneurship and corporate governance. One of his textbooks, Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, is a best seller.

Yasar Jarrar is the head of the government policy and strategy unit in the Dubai government Excellence Program. He is also a visiting research fellow at Cranfield University's Center for Business Performance and involved in applied research for several organizations. His research interests include performance measurement, six sigma, and customer relationship management. Yasar is a frequent speaker at international forums and publishes widely.

Philip Kotler is S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. Considered one of the seminal thinkers in modern marketing, he has published over 25 books, the latest of which is Lateral Marketing, with Fernando Trias de Bes. His book, Marketing Management, now in its 10th edition, is the most widely used text in graduate schools of business throughout the world.

Matt Symonds joined Marakon Associates in London in 1997 after completing his MBA at INSEAD. Marakon is a strategy consultancy that advises top executives on growing the long term value of their companies. Matt has advised clients that include Lloyds TSB, Boots, Prudential and Reuters and Barclays.

Betty Vandenbosch, an Associate Professor of information systems at Case Western Reserve's Weatherhead School of Management, has research interests in systems analysis and design; consulting and communications; and system thinking. Before joining Case Western, Betty worked for McKinsey in Toronto and Amsterdam and as a systems analyst and consultant.

We intend to have an active EAB at the Journal of Business Strategy. This distinguished group will offer advice, articles, contacts and a variety of suggestions to the editor, who is most receptive. We also encourage readers to let us know what they think and what articles they would like to see in the publication.

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