Call for papers

Leadership & Organization Development Journal

ISSN: 0143-7739

Article publication date: 1 January 2005



(2005), "Call for papers", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 26 No. 1.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Call for papers

Guest EditorsDr Paul Humphreys and Dr Ronan McIvorFaculty of Business and Management University of Ulster

Increasingly organisations across many industries have been entering into interorganisational relationships (IORs) in order to enhance performance. Typical IORs include strategic alliances, partnerships, joint ventures, virtual corporations and other forms of network organisations. IORs help firms create value by combining resources, sharing knowledge, increasing speed to market and gaining access to foreign markets. As Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, states, "If you think you can go it alone in today's global economy, you are highly mistaken". According to Booz Allen & Hamilton, the number of strategic alliances world-wide has grown by 25 per cent annually since 1987. However, despite this positive sentiment, a great deal of concern is expressed regarding the proliferation of IORs due to the management complexities involved and the need to bring together the corporate cultures of two or more firms.

This special issue of the Leadership & Organization Development Journal seeks to highlight the implications of new forms of organisation for leadership and organisation development. Strategic frameworks, conceptual and analytical models, surveys and case studies, focusing on leadership and development issues related to IORs, are encouraged from both the industrial and the academic communities. Contributed papers may deal with but are not limited to:

  • Organisational consequences of collaboration;.

  • Factors that facilitate or hinder cooperation;

  • Cooperation within domestic and international environments;

  • Implications of technology on IORs;

  • Change management and the development of IORs;

  • Conflict resolution strategies within IORs; and

  • IORs and the implications of outsourcing.

The deadline for submissions is 30 June 2005. Manuscripts should be 4,000-6,000 words in length and formatted in the journal's housestyle (see inner rear cover of this journal issue). Authors are asked to submit three copies of the manuscript to the address below along with an electronic copy of that paper in Microsoft Word on one 3.5 in floppy disk:

Dr Paul HumphreysFaculty of Business and ManagementUniversity of UlsterJordanstown CampusShore RoadNewtownabbeyCounty AntrimNorthern Ireland, UKBT37 0QBE-mail: (enquiries only)

This special issue is scheduled provisionally for publication in June 2006.

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