
New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 19 July 2011



Ashcroft, L. (2011), "Editorial", New Library World, Vol. 112 No. 7/8. https://doi.org/10.1108/nlw.2011.072112gaa.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Editorial From: New Library World, Volume 112, Issue 7/8

It is with deep sorrow that I announce the death of Emeritus Professor Ken Bakewell. I have known Ken Bakewell over many years in many roles and have greatly valued his contribution as a member of New Library World Editorial Advisory Board. A tribute to Ken is included in this issue.

LIS image has long been the subject of professional debate. However, when it comes to new/revamped library buildings recently winning many design awards – this changed image has brought accolades. One example of this is the David Wilson Library at the University of Leicester. Not only has it won the SCONUL Library Design Award, but also has gained a Customer Service Excellence Award by successfully meeting criteria on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude. The article from Badovinac and Juznic focuses on LIS image, but relating to the profession from the cultural studies viewpoint. They discuss the presentation of libraries in the media and present results from research carried out in Slovenia.

The Higher Education Funding Council in the UK has announced a £12.5m investment in IT for UK higher education. The planned programme includes a shared electronic resource management system which has the potential to deliver real benefits for academic libraries in the UK. The two core elements are investment in cloud computing, shared IT infrastructure, support to deliver virtual servers, storage and data management applications, and investment to establish cloud computing and shared services in central administration functions to support learning, teaching and research. In their article, Martin and Zaghloul consider the impact of rapid technological and organisational change on information resources management competencies. They provide a case study, which details the development of a set of core competencies for management of information resources at an academic library.

Essex was the only library service to win a 2010 Jodi Award for the “best use of digital technology to widen access for disabled people to information, collections and learning”. ICE, its Inclusive Community Essex resource service, is now an integral part of Essex Libraries, funded from the libraries budget. The judges said that it was “highly innovative – the first web site of its kind in the UK for accessibility and content specifically communication needs of people with a learning disability. It has real ambition and immense potential” (www.essexice.co.uk). Sun et al. discuss in their article the changing role of the librarian in an era of greater access to technology. It takes the discourse around library education and information literacy further to consider the Web 2.0 developments of more shifting resources. They consider librarians’ approaches to their role as educators and explore the most effective ways of implementing changes effectively.

The CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) Umbrella Conference takes place in July. This year’s theme is New Structures, New Technologies, New Challenges: How Can we Adapt to an Age of Austerity? Not only does this conference provide an opportunity for the whole of the CILIP community to get together, it also provides development opportunities. This is most valuable as an opportunity for developing operational competence at a time when training budgets are squeezed. Staff development, with focus on staff development committees, is the topic of the article from Davis and Lundstrom. They present a case study which explores the role of these committees in the motivation, morale and education of library staff, and they discuss the range of events and activities which foster communication and encourage collaboration.

Learning and Information Literacy in a Digital Environment was the title of a recent CILIP training course. The basis was that Web 2.0 is expanding our horizons into social networking, collaborative creation of multi-media material and the creation of alternative personal identities. This course explored whether these developments have changed, or are likely to change, the way we learn and the implications of these developments for information literacy learning and teaching. Dabbour and Ballard’s article uses their research findings to present a cross cultural analysis of information literacy and library use among US Latino and white undergraduates. They compare test scores on information literacy knowledge and library use, and they also identify areas for future research.

CILIP is offering a first-timer a grant to attend IFLA World Library and Information Congress in San Juan, Puerto Rico this year. This award covers the main costs of attending this IFLA conference. Attendance can provide a range of opportunities including building networks with international colleagues, a range of global perspectives and direct involvement in the work of IFLA. This provides a wonderful opportunity for one person. Yet, the practicum, or professional placement or internship, is another opportunity for many LIS students In their article, Ferrer-Vinent and Sobel provide a balanced view of the practicum program, noting how students can gain inspiration as well as skill from “good” practicum experiences and how both students and librarians can gain significantly from their interactions.

Linda Ashcroft

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