Spies Hecker's 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement form vital part of 'Colors unlimited' philosophy

Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 1 December 1998




(1998), "Spies Hecker's 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement form vital part of 'Colors unlimited' philosophy", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 27 No. 6. https://doi.org/10.1108/prt.1998.12927fab.017



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited

Spies Hecker's 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement form vital part of 'Colors unlimited' philosophy

Spies Hecker's 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement form vital part of "Colors unlimited" philosophy

Keywords Colour, Paints, Spies Hecker

Spies Hecker, the vehicle refinish paint manufacturer, has released its new 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement. Forming an integral part of the Spies Hecker "Colors unlimited" philosophy, these reference tools offer valuable information in terms of colour identification and accuracy. They contain the latest information regarding colour matching and will be valuable to maintaining efficient refinishing work.

The 1998 Variant Supplement contains 214 new pages of variants. Some of these are completely new for certain colours, while for others the new variant chips replace those already existing. These additions and amendments can then be immediately transferred to the Color Index Variant Book, kept within a bodyshop's colour mixing room for easy access, ensuring an up-to-date guide for matching appropriate shades.

Once the car make and year has been established, the correct colour can be found in the relevant Color Index Yearbook which contains all the colours in existence in any automotive year. Clear pictograms will then show the method of application, area of implementation and if there are any existing variants.

If the colour is a variant, it can be found next to the appropriate colour chip in the Color Index Variant Book. Here, all variants of a colour are featured on one page with the pages being arranged according to the make of car. This new information can then be used in conjunction with the Spies Hecker Color Programm and microfiches to get the best results in colour matching. Having identified the right colour reference number, the microfiches will provide the right mixing formula.

The 1998 Color Index and Variant Supplement is free of charge to Spies Hecker Colors unlimited club members. Spies Hecker users, who are not members, can order copies through their local Spies Hecker stockist.

Further details are available from Spies Hecker. Tel: +44 (0) 181 597 9281; Fax: +44 (0) 181 598 4444; E-mail: spiesheckeruk@msn.com

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