Structural Survey and the Internet

Structural Survey

ISSN: 0263-080X

Article publication date: 1 September 1998



Todd, S. (1998), "Structural Survey and the Internet", Structural Survey, Vol. 16 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 1998, MCB UP Limited

Structural Survey and the Internet

Stephen Todd

The Web site information included below only includes sites where there has been a significant change since the last journal issue and other new interesting sources of information.

If there are any other interesting sites that you have found useful, please e-mail me at

Updates on previous sites

The Building Research Establishment(

The main menu on this site is split between the following:

  • Environment.

  • Construction.

  • Best Practice Programmes.

  • Fire.

  • IT/Innovation.

  • Concrete Building Project.

This site now includes information on:

  • Materials information exchange for buying and selling second-hand materials. This includes materials for free collection, unused materials, a materials wanted board and forthcoming demolitions.

  • BRE's work to outlaw exclusion lists of materials. This includes lists of materials deemed to be deleterious which are commonly included in the legal contracts for the design and construction of buildings. Although used to protect the value of the investment in a building, it has been shown that the adverse effects of such lists on the competitiveness of the industry and on the development of a rational approach to environmental and investment issues is considerable. This project consists of two activities ­ a consultation process, including an electronic questionnaire found here, followed by a survey of existing practice.

  • Tomorrow's World Dreamhouse at BRE. The house has been developed under the INTEGER Project to investigate the use of intelligent and green technologies in homes. The aim is to create a radical and popular model for new mainstream housing.

  • Vacancies at the BRE including posts in the Centre for Sustainable Development and the Cardington Large Building Test Facility.

The RICS site(

The information on this site is structured between:

  • Surveyor services.

  • The RICS.

  • Publications.

  • Library.

  • Press releases.

  • Research.

  • Education.

  • Parliamentary.

  • Related sites including:

BCIS (Building Cost Information Service).

FIG (Fédération Internationale des Géometres/International Federation of Surveyors) which is a non-government organisation whose purpose is to promote international collaboration among professional surveyors. Through its commissions it seeks to improve all aspects of surveying and the service offered by those who practise them, in the interests of sustainable development.

TEGOVA (The European Group of Valuers' Associations) which represents the interests of professionally qualified valuers across Europe and sets property valuation standards for adoption in EU Member States and beyond.

FMB (Federation of Master Builders) which is a voice for medium- and small-sized building companies in the UK, presenting their views to government, other sectors of the construction industry and the general public. The federation also provides a comprehensive service to and a forum for its membership to work towards unity in the various sections of the construction industry and to raise the status of building standards and skills with consumers.

Other sites

Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association(

This site represent the interests of UK firms that design, install and maintain heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems.

The main menu is split between:

  • Profile.

  • Events.

  • Contacts including publications, regions and specialist groups.

  • Membership.

  • Benefits.

  • News.

International Construction Information Society (ICIS)(

This society provides information on specification and cost-information systems and represent their members. ICIS has published and is maintaining a report titled A Description and Comparison of National Specification Systems. This report provides comparative information about the products and services of each of the ICIS member organisations.

Careers (

This site includes information for architects, contractors, engineers and builders. It is possible to enter cvs online and see up-to-date information on courses, etc. There is also a search facility where job category and preferred location can be entered.

The equivalent site for surveyors includes articles on all aspects of a career from training and career development to current issues, key recruiters, course providers, professional bodies and can be accessed through:

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Radon(

This site includes information on protecting new housing against radon. Details are also given on how to measure radon. It is a US site but also of use to UK-based surveyors and researchers.

Business Round Table( brt-win)

Information on the work of the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) can be found on this site. It includes information on data management systems, facilities management and a comparison of UK and other European projects.

Party Wall Resources Site(

This site is intended to provide a range of resources for practitioners and property owners on the subject of the Party Wall, etc. Act 1996. It is maintained by Paul Chynoweth who is a Lecturer in Law and Surveying, at the University of Salford, and Consultant to Hawley and Partners, Chartered Building Surveyors.

The site presently includes (inter alia) the following features:

  1. 1.

    An introduction to the legislation.

  2. 2.

    The complete text of the Act.

  3. 3.

    An e-mail discussion forum (just introduced).

  4. 4.

    A complete bibliography of books on the subject.

  5. 5.

    A regional directory of party wall surveyors.

  6. 6.

    Site search facility.

  7. 7.

    URL-minder registration.

The following features will also be in place by the end of the summer:

  1. 1.

    Searchable database of summary Party Wall Law Reports.

  2. 2.

    Specimen legal documentation.

Information is also provided on the Pyramus and Thisbe Club which exists to facilitate the sharing of information and views on matters arising under the Party Wall, etc. Act 1996. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the subject and the club is well-established as the primary forum for those with a professional involvement in this field.

Construct IT Centre of Excellence(

The Construct IT Centre of Excellence has been set up to co-ordinate and promote innovation and research in IT in construction in the UK to improve competitive performance of the UK construction industry.

The site allows access to reports covering the activities and research carried out by Construct-IT, a research database of projects related to the use of IT in construction projects and on-line resources. It also includes links to related sites including those with information on Year 2000 compliance issues.

Product: Redland(

This site gives access to products, services and specifications. It includes the Redland Design Master which is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) package providing a comprehensive library of roofing drawings. Up to six popular pitches are available for each detail with building fabric and insulation included. These drawings can be downloaded in DXF and DWG formats for use in the majority of CAD systems.

Building Law Information Subscriber Service (BLISS)(

This site includes legal, technical and commercial information and case judgments.

The sub-menu splits into:

  • Book Catalogue ­ which is a mail order service, specialising in commercial, technical, legal and construction titles.

  • Contracts Catalogue.

  • BLISS Annual Volume 1998.

  • Subscription information.

British Cement Association (BCA) (

The Concrete Society Bulletin Board provides the opportunity to ask questions about concrete and The Concrete Society. The "What's New Page" features new publications, technical developments and meetings, and news of key people in the society.

UK Building Resources Pages(

This site is a categorised index into the UK construction industry Web sites.

It includes some useful calculators, e.g.:

  1. 1.

    Discounting Investment Analysis Calculator.

  2. 2.

    Discounting Calculator.

  3. 3.

    Interest to APR converter (working but under development).

  4. 4.

    Life-cycle Costing Calculator.

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