Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 34 Issue 4


An International Journal

Table of contents

Simplified Mechanics of the Lifting Fan: Effects of Duct Losses and Forward Speeds on Fan Performance

D.C. Whittley

In the study or VTOL aircraft, the lifting fan is usually associated with fairly low values of jet velocity, in fact with velocities such that compressibility effects are not…

Communications Satellites

LAST February, it was announced that eleven British firms had formed a consortium known as the British Space Development Company, with a view to investigating the commercial…

University of Cambridge: The Fourth in a Series of Articles Describing the Facilities, Academic Curricula and Research Facilities in the Aeronautical Engineering Departments of the British Universities

D.J. MA Maull, B.Sc.(Eng. )

FOUNDATION THE Francis Mond Professorship of Aeronautical Engineering was established at Cambridge University in 1919 and was certainly the first chair in aeronautical engineering…

Visual Approach Slope Indicator: A Description of the R.A.E.‐Thorn Visual Landing Aid Which Has Been Adopted as an I.C.A.O. Standard

IT was announced recently that Thorn Electrical Industries have been awarded a two‐year contract by the Air Ministry to supply all Royal Air Force airfields, in Britain and…

Electronic Control Simulator: Description of the Simulator Used to Evaluate the Handling Characteristics of the de Havilland Trident

ALMOST four years ago, experiments began at Hatfield to provide a simulator capable of evaluating the handling characteristics of the dc Havilland DH 121 Trident. The high…

Professional Publications

Under this heading are given each month the principal articles of aeronautical interest appearing in the current issues of the Journals of the leading Societies and Professional…

Boundary Layer Control for Low Drag: A Review of the Present Situation and an Assessment of the Potentialities of Laminarization Techniques

G.V. Lachmann

OPTIMIZATION of wing design aims at finding the best compromise between conflicting aerodynamic requirements and considerations of structure weight and stiffness. Since the…


Eurocontrol Navigation System Proposal: Brief Details of the VORDAC System Proposed

THE Eurocontrol Association has requested technical proposals for a navigation system capable of meeting provisional specification of April 5, 1961—the system to be capable of…

Auxiliary Equipment

The crew of a modern jet bomber normally consists of three or four members who may have two or three different jobs to do during the course of a sortie. Although there is very…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading arc published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Technical Reports and Translations of the United States…

Tools for the Workshop

The Dutch aircraft company of K.L.M. Airlines have introduced a method whereby engine components are heat‐treated for fatigue actually in the field of operation. This work is…

Research and Test Apparatus

A test rig, designated the TR. 15, has been developed for testing pneumatic components on Fokker Friendship aircraft by The Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd., Rcdditch, Worcs…

New Materials

No matter how carefully designed for purely electrical functions, an aerial may be, the performance, both initially and continuing throughout the life of the equipment, is almost…

Aviation Electronics

The demand for improved performance in modern aircraft has made the preservation of acrodynamically clean surfaces increasingly important. Projecting hf aerials can be eliminated…

British Patent Abridgments

These details of British Patent Specifications are taken by permission from ‘Abridgments of Specifications—Patents for Inventions’. Copies of the full specifications are…

Cover of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology



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  • Prof Phil Webb