Industrial and Commercial Training: Volume 21 Issue 4


Table of contents

Trainer Development in Gardner Merchant

John Stacey, Bryan Smith

The process is reviewed by which the development needs of trainersin one organisation were established. A programme of workshops andrelated activities are shown to have met those…

The Gentle Art of Simulation

Duncan Peppercorn

Much management training is still conducted by faith rather than ona cost‐benefit basis. The use of simulated management environments isproposed. This can be implemented at the…

Language Learning and International Management Development in Japanese Corporations

Nigel J. Holden

In recent years there has been a tendency to attribute multilingualcapability to Japanese businessmen to account for their global businesssuccess. But those who subscribe to this…

Seeing is Believing – The Role of Personnel in Reading and Shaping the Metaphors that Govern Business Life

Don Thake

The metaphors used in various organisational cultures are reviewed– such as club, family, team, pragmatist, intellectual. Thesedescribe and explain behaviour prevalent in…

Engineering Experience for the Non‐Engineer

Daniel Klinger

A stint at British Aerospace between A levels and university isdescribed. A training programme enabling increased understanding ofengineering principles, with a “Design and Build”…

Cover of Industrial and Commercial Training



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Siham Lekchiri
  • Dr Adriano Solidoro