Management Decision: Volume 39 Issue 9


Table of contents

The business activities of Jewish women entrepreneurs in medieval England

Reva Berman Brown, Sean McCartney

Recounts how medieval English Jewry began when Jews were invited to immigrate by William I and ended with their expulsion by Edward I in 1290. The Jewish community was important…


Welsh enterprise in the eighteenth century

Mark D. Matthews

Examines aspects of local enterprise in Wales during the Industrial Revolution and seeks to place the historical experience of such within the wider debates surrounding the…


Hans and Charles Renold: entrepreneurs in the introduction of scientific management techniques in Britain

Trevor Boyns

Using the case study of Hans Renold Ltd, examines a particular form of entrepreneurial activity, namely the introduction of new management techniques. This company was chosen for…


Entrepreneurship in an industry subject to external shocks: British “coalowners”, 1900‐1946

Judith M. Wale

This article on coalmining, a key industry for Britain in the period covered, has three main purposes. First, it updates previous overviews of entrepreneurial performance by…

Enterprise and accountability: striking a balance

Laura F. Spira

Explores the relationship between enterprise and accountability within the context of the UK corporate governance debate over the last decade. The development of the corporation…


The network construct in entrepreneurship research: a review and critique

Aodheen O’Donnell, Audrey Gilmore, Darryl Cummins, David Carson

The network construct is in common usage in entrepreneurship research. However while the increasing use of the construct has furthered our understanding of the phenomenon of…


Entrepreneurial marketing – a historical perspective on development and practice

Elaine Collinson, Eleanor Shaw

Entrepreneurial marketing is a term which is receiving increasing use. It essentially encompasses two very distinct areas of management: marketing and entrepreneurship. This…


Small firm internationalisation: an investigative survey and future research directions

Ian Fillis

Surveys the literature on internationalisation research and identifies a number of theoretical and practical inadequacies in terms of current theory’s ability in describing…


Entrepreneurs transcend time: a biographical analysis

Alison Morrison

Aims to provide an insight relative to the motivations of individuals entering into entrepreneurship. Analysis is made of the respective biographies of a female and a male…

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  • Brandon Randolph-Seng (Editor-in-Chief)