International Journal of Manpower: Volume 38 Issue 1


An interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Table of contents - Special Issue: Ageing, health and working conditions

Guest Editors: Stephen Bazen, Jean-Marie Cardebat

Do earnings really decline for older workers?

Kadija Charni, Stephen Bazen

Cross-section data suggest that the relationship between age and hourly earnings is an inverted U shape. Evidence from panel data does not necessarily confirm this finding…


Expectations, loss aversion and retirement decisions in the context of the 2009 crisis in Europe

Nicolas Sirven, Thomas Barnay

The purpose of this paper is to estimate a reduced form model of expectations-based reference-dependent preferences to explain job retention of older workers in Europe in the…

The puzzle of older workers’ employment: distance to retirement and health effects

Mareva Sabatier, Bérangère Legendre

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the distance to retirement affects low employment rates among European older workers, taking into account a key but…

Scar on my heart: effects of unemployment experiences on coronary heart disease

Chiara Ardito, Roberto Leombruni, Michele Mosca, Massimiliano Giraudo, Angelo d’Errico

The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of unemployment on coronary heart diseases (CHD) in Italy on a sample of male manual workers in the private sector.

Determinants of health at work in the EU15: Elaboration of synthetic indicators of working conditions and their impacts on the physical and mental health of workers

Marine Coupaud

Workers’ health is a main concern in industrialized countries. The structural evolution of the labor market should have encouraged better working conditions, as should have…

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  • Professor Adrian Ziderman