Property Management: Volume 8 Issue 2


Table of contents

Facility management: a cutting‐edge field?

Franklin Becker

Points out that though the planning, design and management ofbuildings has always happened, the deliberate, conscious, plannedpractise as part of organisational design and…

Office design – the way forward

Richard Bennett

Offers some advice on planning an office before tenancy. Points outthe importance of flexibility to cope with tenants′ varied needs andchanging technology. Advocates the “shell…

Abandonment – the planning position

Penelope Cooling

Illustrates the problematical issue of “making a materialchange in the use of any building or land” by reference to somecase studies. Points out complications if a use is…

Crewe business park – a pioneering business park strategy

J. Dunning

Gives background to the conception, siting, marketing and planningof a large business park. Relates how two local authorities (Crewe andNantwich) achieved a partnership.

Problem estates: root or branch solutions

Alice Coleman

Reviews the relationship between building design and crime.Presents evidence that anti‐social activity is encouraged by bad design.Tabulates features that are “beneficial”…

Latest developments in air conditioning

Richard H. Rooley

Reviews development in air conditioning from cave dwellers to themid 1970s in the UK. Presents an overview of common air conditioningsystems, with their relative merits. Concludes…

Management of fire safety

Alan Porter

Looks at the importance of management in fire safety and the rangeof issues it covers. Covers organisation, procedures, structuralprovisions, maintenance, staff training, external…


Professional negligence in the estate management disciplines

Anthony Lavers

Traces the development of the principles of professional negligenceespecially in the 1980′s and to reappraise them in the 1990s.Illustrates with cases designed to show perceived…

Contractual warranties – building failure: reducing the risks

Marcus Harling

Explains the need for contractual warranty. Outlines some uses.Describes the background to the warranty. Examines it role from apractical viewpoint. Advises that in any commercial…

Cover of Property Management



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  • Professor Graham Squires