Journal of Managerial Psychology: Volume 11 Issue 4


Table of contents

Peak performance and higher states of consciousness: A study of world‐class performers

Harald S. Harung, Dennis P. Heaton, William W. Graff, Charles N. Alexander

Investigates higher stages of human development in some of the world’s most accomplished performers. Indicates that far more frequent experiences of a silent, expanded, restfully…


Developing commitment between managers and employees

Ann M. Brewer

Examines the relationship of managerial strategy and organizational commitment among drivers working in the private bus industry. Investigates the dimensions of managerial…


Implementing a job change: the impact of employee focus of attention

Marc Siegall, Tracy McDonald

Examines the relationship between focus of attention ‐ how much a person thinks about job and off‐job factors during work ‐ and people’s reactions to change. Survey respondents…


Observing differences in verbal communication: Filipino and British manager‐subordinate interactions

Hazel J. Wilson, Caroline A. Callaghan, Peter L. Wright

As business operations become increasingly global, the need for managers to communicate effectively with members of other cultures becomes more important. This is particularly…


Reflections: The impact of downsizing on survivors ‐ some findings and recommendations

Golnaz Sadri

Assesses the impact of downsizing and lay‐offs on the workers who remain with the company ‐ survivors. Argues that while the primary aim of downsizing is to improve efficiency and…

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  • Professor Carrie Bulger