New Library World: Volume 95 Issue 4


Table of contents

What Happened to Libraries in Independent Television? And What Might Lie in Store for Us All ...

David Nicholas, Pan Pandit

Libraries and information units in Independent Television companies havebeen subject to enormous pressures over the last couple of years. Thesepressures, largely brought about by…


Contracting Out

Ann Lawes

There is a strong general trend towards outsourcing specific functionsin modern organizations, both in government and corporate libraries.Reasons why companies contract out are…


Career Opportunities for Library and Information Science Professionals in Africa

Michael Afolabi

Identifies the various careers associated with library and informationscience. Apart from the existing information careers described, alsoidentifies new related areas. Notes that…




Online date, start – end:

1898 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Asian Libraries