New Library World: Volume 96 Issue 6


Table of contents

Image indexing and retrieval: some problems and proposed solutions

Graeme Baxter, Douglas Anderson

Image processing technologies are offering considerable potentialfor library and information units to extend their databases by theinclusion of images such as photographs…


The importance of the voluntary sector in environmental information provision: results of a questionnaire survey

Derek Stephens, Paul Eden

Presents the results of a questionnaire survey which revealed thatan estimated 590,000 enquiries were made to general enquiry offices ofthe national offices of 111 national…


On the threshold of the information superhighway

Kathleen Helenese‐Paul

Discusses papers presented at the IFLA′s 1994 Conference whichdealt with new library technologies and library co‐operation, and theuniversity libraries′ subsection which was found…


Bradford University Library in the year 2000

Malcolm Stevenson

Attempts to predict the changes which will occur at BradfordUniversity Library by the year 2000. Suggests that changes will be moreof an evolution than a revolution. Discusses the…




Online date, start – end:

1898 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Asian Libraries