The International Journal of Logistics Management: Volume 28 Issue 4


Table of contents

I know it when I see it: the nature of trust, trustworthiness signals, and strategic trust construction

Stanley E. Fawcett, Yao Henry Jin, Amydee M. Fawcett, Gregory Magnan

Trust has long been viewed as a potential governance mechanism. However, recent research discloses substantive incongruities in trust conceptualization and operationalization  


Can asymmetry impact performance, collaboration and integration? An empirical study

Marek Michalski, Jose Luis Montes-Botella, Washington Guevara Piedra

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of asymmetric environments on collaboration, integration, and performance during supply chain management processes.

Supply chain flexibility: A systematic literature review and identification of directions for future research

Jorieke H.M. Manders, Marjolein C.J. Caniëls, Paul W.Th. Ghijsen

The conceptualization of flexibility in organizations historically emerged from three views which relate to economic, to organizational and to manufacturing perspectives. Despite…


Perceptions of stakeholder pressure for supply-chain social responsibility and information disclosure by state-owned enterprises

Raquel Garde Sánchez, Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, Antonio M. López Hernández

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of perceptions of pressure from stakeholders on the managers of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) regarding the need to…


Green procurement, stakeholder satisfaction and operational performance

Hua Song, Kangkang Yu, Songbo Zhang

Based on natural-resource-based view (NRBV), the purpose of this paper is to clarify the dimensions of green procurement and the mechanisms involved in the relationship between…


Organizational design change in multinational supply chain organizations

Joseph Roh, Virpi Turkulainen, Judith M. Whipple, Morgan Swink

Managing internal supply chains is becoming increasingly complex, requiring managers to balance diverse needs. As a result, managers continuously face the need to change how they…


Fast or free shipping options in online and Omni-channel retail? The mediating role of uncertainty on satisfaction and purchase intentions

Siqi Ma

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of a dimension of logistics service quality (delivery time) interacting with shipping charges and purchase importance on…


Integrated supply chain risk management: a systematic review

Quan Zhu, Harold Krikke, Marjolein C.J. Caniëls

Supply chain risks specifically refer to risks that transmit among supply chain members, thus they should be understood and managed as a whole for an end-to-end supply chain. The…


Internal coordination to enable high load factor

Sara Rogerson, Uni Sallnäs

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how activities may be coordinated within shippers’ organisations to enable high load factor (a key aspect of transport efficiency).

An examination of drivers and barriers to reducing carbon emissions in China’s manufacturing sector

Nachiappan Subramanian, Muhammad Abdulrahman

Carbon Efficient Practices (CEPs) are gaining momentum due to the serious consequences of climate change. While past studies have focused on the effects of either drivers or…

Key factors for truly sustainable supply chain management: An investigation of the coal industry in Indonesia

Jei-Zheng Wu, Caroline Himadewi Santoso, Jinshyang Roan

The purpose of this paper is to explore key factors or criteria of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) influencing Indonesian coal companies, using “adoption…


Analyzing the diffusion of eco-friendly vans for urban freight distribution

Anna Corinna Cagliano, Antonio Carlin, Giulio Mangano, Carlo Rafele

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the diffusion dynamics of electric and hybrid commercial vans and its enabling factors in the city logistics (CL) contexts. The case of…


Supply chain integration and performance relationship: a moderating effects review

Jorge Tarifa-Fernandez, Jerónimo De Burgos-Jiménez

The purpose of this paper is to interpret the relationship between supply chain integration (SCI) and performance and to find empirical evidence of the moderating factors that…


A quantitative risk assessment methodology and evaluation of food supply chain

Rishabh Rathore, Jitesh J. Thakkar, Jitendra Kumar Jha

The food supply chain is exposed to severe environmental and social issues with serious economic consequences. The identification and assessment of risk involved in the food…


Exploring the effects of workforce level on supply chain job satisfaction and industry commitment

Michael J. Maloni, Stacy M. Campbell, David M. Gligor, Christina R. Scherrer, Elizabeth M. Boyd

Despite a pervasive workforce shortage, existing research has provided limited guidance about job satisfaction and commitment of the supply chain workforce. Moreover, few studies…


Buyer and supplier perspectives on environmental initiatives: Potential implications for supply chain relationships

Monique Lynn Murfield, Wendy L. Tate

The purpose of this paper is to examine managerial perspectives in both buyer and supplier firms implementing environmental initiatives in their supply chains, and explore the…


Sustainability-related risk management in buying logistics services: An exploratory cross-case analysis

Sirpa Multaharju, Katrina Lintukangas, Jukka Hallikas, Anni-Kaisa Kähkönen

Sustainability-related risk management of logistics service providers (LSPs) is an essential part of sustainability performance of focal companies, as logistics services touch the…


Portfolio of port-centric supply chain disruption threats

Hui Shan Loh, Vinh Van Thai, Yiik Diew Wong, Kum Fai Yuen, Qingji Zhou

The purpose of this paper is to provide a risk assessment of port-centric threats that may have adverse effects on supply chain continuity from the perspectives of port operators…


Supply network resilience: a systematic literature review and future research

P. Datta

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the knowledge existing in the literature on supply chain resilience for identifying the supply chain practices adopted for securing…


Supply chain management: the elusive concept and definition

Steve LeMay, Marilyn M. Helms, Bob Kimball, Dave McMahon

The purpose of this paper is to gather the current definitions of supply chain management in practical and analytical usage, to develop standards for assessing definitions and to…


A research framework of sustainable supply chain management: The role of relational capabilities in driving performance

Injazz J. Chen, Aleksandr M. Kitsis

The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework and propositions to advance research and practice in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). Performance indicators…

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  • Prof. Britta Gammelgaard