Information Technology & People: Volume 7 Issue 3


Table of contents

Networked Information Resources: : Electronic Opportunities for Users and Librarians

Jane E. Klobas

Many of the activities people perform with the Internet are new, andpossibly could not have been conceived before the network becameavailable. Describes innovative uses of the…


The “Modernisation” of the Australian Taxation Office: : Issues in Participatory Design in Large Organizations

Patsy Segall, Michael Cebalo, Cath Jolly, Bruce Wilson

The difficulties in designing and implementing successful technologicalsystems which support business objectives, good work practices and highquality outcomes are well known…


The Use of Information Technology to Achieve Accurate Pricing in Agricultural Commodity Markets in Japan

Tomoyoshi Matsuda

At one level, the function of a marketplace is to enable sellers andbuyers to meet, to agree to terms and conditions, and effect contracts.At another level, however, a marketplace…


The Use of NUDIST, a Computerized Analytical Tool, to Support Qualitative Information Systems Research

Anne Rouse, Martin Dick

Discusses the use of software tools to support qualitative informationsystems research, and provides a practical example of how one tool,NUDIST, was used in a recent empirical…

Cover of Information Technology & People



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof Edgar Whitley
  • Prof Kevin Crowston
  • Prof Yulin Fang
  • Prof Jyoti Choudrie