Management Development Review: Volume 8 Issue 2


Table of contents

Cross‐cultural indicators for human resource agendas

Chris Ashton

Investigates a network launch and the publication of a researchreport in the human resource field by the Work in America Institute, aworkplace research organization. Proposes that…


What do we believe makes a good manager?

Jan L. Carmichael

Reviews the relatively slow change in attitudes about thecharacteristics required in management, and explores gender differencesin management style. Reports on research to…


Strategic human resource planning at Zeneca Pharmaceuticals

Chris Ainsworth

Examines the human resource strategy undertaken at ZenecaPharmaceuticals. Gives the business content then goes on to consider theprocess and impact of work on line functions and…


Devolving training and development to line managers

Nicola Mindell

Reports that most organizations see training and development as theprovince of the human resource department. Proposes that responsibilityfor this should be placed in the hands of…


Training the trainer at Coral

Greg Mangham

Investigates the three‐year trainer and team development initiativeat Coral, the bookmaker, intended to support the company′s launch of anew brand and image. Concludes that…


The medical representative

Joan Padgham

Describes how representatives are developed to succeed incompetitive GP environments, by examining the policy of Searle UK, amedium‐sized pharmaceuticals company. Concludes that…


Analysing the competence requirements of managers

John Dingle

Describe a methodology for analysing competence requirements andpinpointing competence enhancements, together with the appropriatetraining media, which is applicable to all…


Exit interviews as an induction tool

Arnold Kransdorff

Evaluates a cost‐effective solution to overcoming the problem oflow productivity owing to the high level of job change in the UK.Concludes that employees, when hired, need to…




Online date, start – end:

1992 – 1997

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Emerald Publishing Limited