Health Education: Volume 107 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Thinking positive – the importance of resilience and listening to children and young people

Guest Editors: Don Stewart, Jenny McWhirter

Thinking positive: The importance of resilience and listening to children and young people

Don Stewart, Jenny McWhirter

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the papers in this special issue and outline the essential features of the resilient school approach, and the child‐focused approach of…


Health‐promoting school indicators: schematic models from students

Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Jane Sixsmith, Ellen‐Nora Delaney, Miriam Moore, Jo Inchley, Siobhan O'Higgins

The purpose of this paper is to outline a three‐stage process for engaging with students to develop school level indicators of health; in sequential class groups students first…

Childrens', parents' and teachers' perceptions of child wellbeing

Jane Sixsmith, Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Collette Fleming, Sioban O'Higgins

The purpose of this paper is to present an exploration of parents', teachers' and childrens' perspectives on children's understanding of wellbeing with the aim of illuminating and…


Promoting school connectedness through whole school approaches

Fiona Rowe, Donald Stewart, Carla Patterson

The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework to demonstrate the contribution of whole school approaches embodied by the health‐promoting school approach, to the promotion…


A resilience framework: perspectives for educators

Cecily Knight

The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for resilience education that can be used by teachers in schools. The paper seeks to identify a common language for exploring…


How effective is the health‐promoting school approach in building social capital in primary schools?

Jing Sun, Donald Stewart

The purpose of this paper is to describe a study which investigated the relationship between the “health‐promoting school” (HPS) approach and social capital and tested the…


Development of population‐based resilience measures in the primary school setting

Jing Sun, Donald Stewart

The purpose of the population‐based study in the paper is to report on progress in formulating instruments to measure children's resilience and associated protective factors in…

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  • Dr Gurpinder Lalli