Multicultural Education & Technology Journal: Volume 4 Issue 2


Table of contents

Global literacy: comparing Chinese and US high school students

Rong Zhang, Hui‐Yin Hsu, Shiang‐Kwei Wang

The purpose of this paper is to compare high school students' global literacy level in metropolitan areas of China and the USA.


Student multicultural awareness in online community college classes

Warren J. Brown

US community colleges are based on an open‐door mission and serve to provide access to students of diverse backgrounds. Online learning is one of the fastest growing segments of…


Culturally responsive teaching awareness through online fiction

Mary Cain Fehr

This paper aims to examine preservice teachers' understanding of culturally responsive teaching and the use of technology to deliver pedagogical information and facilitate inquiry.


Exploring attitudes towards computer use among pre‐service teachers from Singapore and the UK: A multi‐group invariance test of the technology acceptance model (TAM)

Timothy Teo, Jan Noyes

This paper aims to compare the pre‐service teachers from Singapore and the UK on their self‐reported attitude towards computer use (ATCU) by employing the technology acceptance…




Online date, start – end:

2007 – 2013

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited