The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice: Volume 11 Issue 2

Issues for workforce development


Table of contents

Guest Editors: Thurstine Basset

Poetry, philosophy and dementia

Ellen Jones, Tab Betts

The purpose of this paper is to describe the use of poetry by family carers as a way into the inner world of a person with late stage dementia, consistent with their values…

Facilitating an evolving service user involvement group for people with dementia: what can we learn?

Jocelyne Kenny, Ian Asquith, Reinhard Guss, Elizabeth Field, Lewis Slade, Alexandra Bone, Keith Oliver, Mark Jones, Chris Ryan, Melvyn Brooks, Chris Norris

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how service user involvement for people living with a diagnosis of dementia can contribute to innovate ways of training and educating a…

myShoes – the future of experiential dementia training?

Arinola Adefila, Sean Graham, Lynn Clouder, Patricia Bluteau, Steven Ball

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of virtual reality (VR) for experiential learning in dementia training. People have different perceptions and understanding of what…

Research based theatre in dementia knowledge transfer: views from the front line

Elaine Argyle, Justine Schneider

Formal ties between the theatre and research dissemination have only recently developed and its general efficacy is largely unknown. Here the purpose of this paper is to redress…

Workforce development in dementia care through education and training: an audit of two counties

Andrea Mayrhofer, Claire Goodman

People with dementia require care at home, in care homes and in hospitals, which has implications for the current and future workforce in health and social care. To inform…

Positive risk-taking: from rhetoric to reality

Steve Morgan, Nick Andrews

For health and social care services to become truly person-centred requires a fundamentally positive mindset from professionals and care workers, and a willingness to take some…

Cover of The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice



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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Gary Lamph
  • Prof Di Bailey
  • Dr David Crepaz-Keay