
Global Tensions in Financial Markets

ISBN: 978-1-78714-840-6, eISBN: 978-1-78714-839-0

ISSN: 0196-3821

Publication date: 19 March 2018

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(2018), "Index", Kensinger, J.W. (Ed.) Global Tensions in Financial Markets (Research in Finance, Vol. 34), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 229-236.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


abnormal trading volume analysis
, 44, 49, 52–53

academic impact, defined
, 218

academic institutions
, 218

Action Aid International Vietnam (AAV)
, 179

adjusted beta
, 8

sample statistics of
, 9

alpha formula
, 185

alternate hypothesis
, 30, 31

ANOVA (analysis of variance)
, 10–11

, 7, 10, 14

Arbitrage Pricing Theory
, 221

asset returns (Ri)
, 5–7

, 120, 121–122, 129–130

P-value for
, 132

autocorrelation test
, 28–29

, 143, 148

Bank Indonesia
, 24

banking companies, Peru
, 147–148

, 92–94, 118.

see also Egyptian banks

ATM services
, 120, 121, 129–130

Egyptian. see Egyptian banks

, 98–99

nature and mode of operations
, 95

performance. see performance, of banks

private vs. public
, 99

profit, FI impact on
, 119–120

, 97–98

BAPEPAM (capital market regulatory body)
, 23

behavioural biases
, 189

behavioural finance
, 187–188

Bessembinder and Lemmon model (B/L model)
, 60

results from
, 62–69


, 8, 9

calculations of
, 7

, 8–9

historical (market)
, 8, 9

portfolio returns and
, 3

regression of
, 18

BI rate
, 24, 37

, 221

, 81

block-trade approach
, 78

Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL)
, 144, 162, 163

Breeden, Douglas
, 8

Breusch-Pagan test
, 128

business and investment banks
, 95

CAAR. see cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR)

Caja Municipal de Huancayo (CMAC)
, 153–161

analysis of management
, 155

anchoring of
, 159–160

certificates of deposit
, 160–161

composition and structure
, 156

evolution of balances
, 156

, 157–159

, 157

, 157

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
, 8–9, 220

, 4

overview of
, 2–3

capital investment decisions
, 219

Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman)
, 188

Capital Market Law (CML)
, 95

capital markets
, 20, 23

information of instruments in
, 163, 164

, 220

capital structure decisions
, 219

capital value risk
, 191

CAPM. see Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

CBE. see Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)

CCAPM. see Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM)

Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) database
, 46

Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)
, 92, 93–94, 95, 96–97, 109, 111

Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ)
, 118–119

certificates of deposit, CMAC Huancayo
, 160–161

chief executive officer (CEO)
, 206

average age of
, 213

date of joining
, 209

outsider vs. insider
, 206, 207–208

salary of
, 211

selection of
, 212

tenure of
, 207, 209–210, 211–213

, 224

CML. see Capital Market Law (CML)

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R2)
, 33, 36

commercial banks
, 95

, 106–107

Commodity Price Index
, 24

constant returns to scale (CRS)
, 106, 171, 172, 174

consumption beta
, 8–9

sample statistics of
, 9

Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM)
, 8–9

consumption growth rate
, 8

corporate voting rights. see voting rights

Cost of Living Index
, 24

cost push inflation
, 24

, 24

credit cards
, 120

effect on banks’ performance
, 122

cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR)
, 48, 52

data and methodology

asset returns
, 5–7

for banks’ performance study
, 124–126

, 4–9

Dogs of the Dow portfolio
, 46–53

market return
, 4–5

Midcontinent Independent System Operator
, 61

quantitative research. see quantitative research

risk-free rate
, 5

voting rights
, 80–81

data envelopment analysis (DEA)
, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100–101, 106, 171–172

day-ahead prices for electricity
, 58–59, 61, 67–68

DEA. see data envelopment analysis (DEA)

debit cards
, 121–122

demand pull inflation
, 24

dependent variables
, 28, 30, 36

descriptive statistics
, 33–34, 82–84

Dodd-Frank Act
, 2010, 190

Dogs of the Dow (DOD) portfolio
, 41–54

annual additions and deletions
, 47

annual changes in
, 44, 46

data and methodology
, 46–49

framework of
, 42–43

literature and hypothesis developemnt
, 44–45

overview of
, 42–44

performance of
, 43

“dog stocks,”
, 42

domestic commercial banks
, 106–107

double voting rights
, 76

real options and
, 79–80

, 29

dual-class shares
, 78, 81

economic downturn
, 186

impact on society
, 187

efficient market theory
, 188

Egyptian banks
, 92–94

financial reforms and
, 94–97

impact of global financial crisis on
, 111

literature on efficiency and productivity change
, 97–103

portfolios of
, 97

privatisation of
, 95–96

productivity of
, 92–93

electricity exchange
, 58, 60, 65–69

electricity forward premia
, 59–60

entity for the development of Small and medium enterprises (EDPYME)
, 149–150

European banks
, 98–99

event study method
, 46, 50, 51

exchange rate
, 25, 31–32, 143–145

expected returns
, 2, 7, 9

exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (EGARCH) model
, 46, 48

ex-post forward premium
, 59–60

, 7, 12

Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC)
, 58

FERC. see Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC)

FI. see financial inclusion (FI)

finance research
, 218, 219

financial crisis
, 184, 187

financial inclusion (FI)

indicators of
, 119, 125

inpact on banks’ performance
, 119–120

in Jordan
, 118–119

meaning of
, 118

and SMEs
, 123

financial institutions
, 118, 186, 189, 190, 200

financial indicators of
, 146

financial leasing
, 198

financial markets, criticisms of
, 190–191

financial property framework
, 186–187

Financial reforms, and Egyptian banks
, 94–97

fixed-fee insurance
, 193

Florange Act
, 2014, 76, 78, 81, 82

FMAE. see forecast mean absolute errors (FMAE)

, 7, 9, 15–16

forecast mean absolute errors (FMAE)
, 10, 17–18

forward premiums for electricity
, 59–60

, 62

forward prices for electricity
, 59–60

France, voting rights in. see voting rights

Friedman, Milton
, 188

, 30–31, 34–35

GBM. see geometric Brownian motion (GBM)

GDP. see gross domestic product (GDP)

GDP growth rate
, 25–26, 32, 37–38

geometric Brownian motion (GBM)
, 84, 85

Glejser test
, 30

global financial crisis (GFC)
, 111, 112

Goldman Sachs
, 198

government policies
, 186

Great Depression
, 186

gross domestic product (GDP)
, 141

growth rate
, 25–26, 32, 37–38

gross income
, 119, 125

Group 20 (G20)
, 119, 125

Hausman test
, 132, 138

hedging housing value risk
, 191–199

hedging instruments
, 185, 189

public incentives for developing
, 199–200

HEFI. see home equity fractional interest (HEFI)

heteroscedasticity test
, 29–30, 128, 138

historical (market) beta
, 8

sample statistics of
, 9

home equity fractional interest (HEFI)
, 192

home equity value insurance
, 193

, 29

, 26, 209–211

developemnt of
, 44–45

, 30, 31–32, 45

price pressure
, 44, 45, 46, 48–49

hypothesis testing

, 30–31

, 31–33

IDX. see Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

IMF. see International Monetary Fund (IMF)

, 218–219

examples of
, 219–220

measurement of
, 225–226

impact ratio
, 225–226

independent variables
, 28, 33, 34, 35


capital markets
, 20, 23

monetary condition, instability of
, 20

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
, 20–22, 23

, 141–142

inflation rate
, 24


in mortgage agreements
, 192

need in property risk management for households
, 186–191

services of banks
, 122, 130

insider CEO

average age of
, 213

outsider CEO vs., 206
, 207–208

tenure of
, 209–210, 211–213

insurance, home equity value
, 193

interest rates
, 24

inter-hub trading profits
, 70–71

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 95

Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM)
, 221

Italy, voting rights in. see voting rights


financial inclusion in
, 118–119

financial institutions in
, 118

performance of banks in
, 117–133

SMEs in
, 130–131

unemployment in
, 119

journal rating system
, 222–223

lease-purchase agreements
, 198–199

leverage cycle
, 191

Lima, stock change of
, 162

linear regression
, 82, 83–84

LMP. see locational marginal price (LMP)

loan-to-value analysis
, 185

locational marginal price (LMP)
, 58–59, 61

loyalty voting rights
, 79, 80

Lucas, Robert
, 8

, 22–23

exchange rate
, 143–145

gross domestic product
, 141, 142

, 141–142

small and medium entities. see small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

trade balance
, 142–143

Malmquist productivity indices (MPI)
, 93, 94, 99, 101

total factor productivity
, 103–111

market efficiency
, 220–222

market portfolio
, 4

market return (Rm)
, 4–5

sample statistics of
, 9

methodology. see data and methodology

MFS. see microfinance services (MFS)

, 140

advantages of
, 140

disadvantages of
, 140–141

Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)
, 147

banking companies
, 147–148

market share
, 150–152

non-banking companies
, 149–150

microfinance institutions (MFIs) efficiency, in Vietnam
, 170

empirical study on
, 176–178

literature review of
, 170–174

measurement of
, 171–174

output/input ratio
, 172, 173–174

and poverty reduction
, 176–181

scores, average value of
, 174–176

statistics descriptions of determinants
, 175

microfinance services (MFS)
, 170–171

Microfinancial Reporting Standard (MFRS)
, 171

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
, 58–59

and Bessembinder and Lemmon model
, 60, 61, 62–71

data description and methodology
, 61

MISO. see Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

MIX. see Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)

Monte-Carlo simulation
, 84

mortgage agreements, innovation in
, 192

MPI. see Malmquist productivity indices (MPI)

multicollinearity test
, 28, 127, 137

municipal savings banks
, 150, 151, 153–161

net interest margin (NIM)
, 112

NIETA variable
, 112

non-banking companies
, 149–150

noninformation-motivated demand shifts
, 44

non-performing loans (NPL)
, 94, 96

normality test
, 27

NPL. see non-performing loans (NPL)

null hypothesis
, 30, 31–32, 45

ordinary leased square (OLS) regression
, 126, 128, 129

results of
, 131

outsider CEO

dependent variable
, 214

insider CEO vs., 206
, 207–208

tenure of
, 209–210, 211–213

, 210

, 179

pass-through insurance
, 193

Paulson & Co
, 197

performance, of banks

ATMs and
, 121

data and methodology to study
, 124–126

descriptive statistics
, 126–133

effect of credit cards on
, 122

impact of FI on
, 119–120

indicators of
, 119

literature on, review of
, 121–124

measurements of
, 122


financial system
, 146–147

macroeconomic indicators
, 141–145

Microfinance Information Exchange. see Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX)

Peruvian financial system
, 146–147

PLAM. see price level-adjusted mortgages (PLAM)

portfolio returns

and beta
, 3

sample statistics of
, 9

, 6–7, 195

Dogs of the Dow. see Dogs of the Dow portfolio

, 4

, 6

returns. see portfolio returns

poverty reduction, in Vietnam
, 176–181

challenges in
, 180

price index
, 24

price level-adjusted mortgages (PLAM)
, 192

price pressure hypothesis
, 44, 45, 46, 48–49

private banks
, 99

privatisation, of Egyptian banks
, 95–96

Producer Price Index
, 24

profit, of banks

FI impact on
, 119–120

property finance
, 184

property finance, owner-occupied
, 191–199

public banks
, 99

P-value, for ATMs
, 132

quality research
, 224

quantitative research
, 27

autocorrelation test
, 28–29

heteroscedasticity test
, 29–30, 128, 138

multicollinearity test
, 28, 127, 137

normality test
, 27

population and sample
, 27

random effect estimation results
, 132–133

real estate cycle
, 186–187

real estate derivatives
, 193–194

cases of
, 197–198

entry barriers to
, 194–195

hedging values of property abroad
, 196

property sector swaps
, 196

single specific property swap
, 195

structured real estate index notes
, 196

synthetic options
, 197

traded index futures
, 196–197

real estate downturns, hedging against
, 195

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
, 189

real options, and double voting rights
, 79–80

regional transmission operators (RTOs)
, 58


of betas
, 18

, 82, 83–84

, 113

replicating portfolios
, 6

return on asset (ROA)
, 102, 119, 125, 126, 130

, 132

model variables
, 128

return on equity (ROE)
, 102, 112

, 2

, 2, 7, 9

, 4–5

risk and
, 4

risk, and return
, 4

risk-free rate (Rf)
, 5

risk management
, 189

analysis of
, 185

household property
, 189–190

property, for households
, 186–191

ROA. see return on asset (ROA)

ROE. see return on equity (ROE)

RTOs. see regional transmission operators (RTOs)

rural savings banks
, 151–152

second-stage regression
, 113

security market line (SML)
, 2

services, banks
, 120

SFA. see stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)

Sharpe ratio
, 221

single specific property swap
, 195

small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
, 118, 120

, 120, 130

, 132

financial inclusion and
, 123

in Jordan
, 130

SML. see security market line (SML)

Social Sciences Citation Index
, 224

, 5

specialised banks
, 95

spot prices for electricity
, 59–60

stewardship theory
, 207

stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)
, 171

stock price
, 22, 26

analysis of standard deviations of
, 85

, 84–85

, 21, 23

subprime mortgage crisis
, 186–187

synthetic options
, 197

tenure, of CEO
, 207, 209–210, 211–213

TFP. see total factor productivity (TFP)

30a program
, 179

three-factor ANOVA
, 7, 10, 14

Toronto 35 Index
, 43

total factor productivity (TFP)
, 93, 100

determinants of
, 111–113

, 109–111

Malmquist index
, 103–111

trade balance
, 142–143

traded future
, 196–197

, 10, 31–33, 35–36

2-limit tobit model
, 175–176

U.S. banks
, 97–98

value of tolerance
, 28

variable returns to scale (VRS)
, 106, 171, 172, 174


, 28, 30, 36

, 28, 33, 34, 35

variance inflation factor (VIF)
, 28, 127

Vietnam, microfinance institutions in. see microfinance institutions (MFIs)

VIF. see variance inflation factor (VIF)

virtual bidding
, 61

voting rights
, 75–85

acquisition cost of
, 80

descriptive statistics of
, 82–84

, 76

empirical analysis
, 82–85

, 79, 80

, 80–81

valuation of
, 76–78

VRS. see variable returns to scale (VRS)

Wilshire 5000 index
, 4–5

World Bank
, 95, 179–180