International Journal of Operations & Production Management: Volume 12 Issue 4


Table of contents

Manufacturing Strategy in Global Markets: An Operations Management Model

Alberto De Toni, Roberto Filippini, Cipriano Forza

Suggests a conceptual model for operations that can be utilized inidentifying the most significant opportunities and decisions in order toobtain competitive advantages in global…


World‐class Manufacturing versus Strategic Trade‐offs

Colin New

There has been considerable (sometime acrimonious) debate about theissue of the continuous‐improvement protagonists′ view and the(old‐fashioned) manufacturing strategy view of the…

Towards a Framework for Aligning Implementation of Change Strategies to a Situation‐specific Context

Anders Berger

Discusses implementation of commonly used change strategies. Putsthe emphasis on the problems of utilizing existing experience in theimplementation of a change strategy, and on…

Measuring Product Goal Congruence: An Exploratory Case Study

Andy Neely, John Wilson

Argues that a key, albeit implicit, theme which runs through muchof the manufacturing management literature is goal congruence. Afterexploring the concept of goal congruence…

Design of Production Systems for Batch Production in Short Series to Reduce Lead Time

Kurt Rosander

Companies using production of small batches, with a large number ofproducts made in a number of variants, often have a high level of workin progress. Much has been published…

Reasons for the Renewed Popularity of Autonomous Work Groups

Roel Schuring

Until recently, only relatively few Northern European companies hadorganized their operations by use of autonomous work groups, althoughthe first literature on this subject stems…

A Hybrid Push/Pull Production Control System for Multistage Manufacturing Processes

Yasuhiro Hirakawa, Kyoji Hoshino, Hiroshi Katayama

Recently, it has been recognized that production control systemsfor multi‐stage manufacturing processes can be classified into push‐typeand pull‐type systems. The push‐type…

The Flexibilities of Push and Pull

Nigel Slack, Henrique Correa

Examines two differing manufacturing operations and characterizestheir manufacturing planning and control (MPC) systems. The primaryconcern of this categorization analysis is to…


Applying Service Concepts in Manufacturing

Chris Voss

The research reported examines the role of service inmanufacturing. Focuses on the degree to which Chase′s “ServiceFactory” concept is applicable in the UK. Also examines the…

The Operations Management Challenge in the Delivery of Complex Human Services

Jean Harvey

Focuses on the problems associated with the dynamic harmonizationof the actions of two or more complex and different human serviceagencies, in such a way that service packages are…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Tobias Schoenherr
  • Prof. Constantin Blome
  • Robert D. Klassen