Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 40 Issue 9


An International Journal

Table of contents

A message from the Minister of Technology

THE market for aircraft is international. The prizes for success are great; and so is the competition for these prizes. As aircraft become more complex, development costs rise and…

An Introduction to the Twenty‐sixth S.B.A.C. Flying Display and Exhibition

IN the two years since the last Farnborough Air Show was held by the Society of British Aerospace Companies the aircraft industry has achieved an almost complete metamorphosis…

Air Registration Board Report: Extracts from the Chairman's thirty‐first annual report

The broad functions of the Air Registration Board are too well known, not only in this country but internationally, to need a detailed statement here. But at a time of extremely…

Some Aspects of Future Helicopter and other Rotorcraft Development: An examination of future trends in the development of V.T.O.L. aircraft and their potential for civil transport operations

R.G. Austin

VERTICAL take‐off aircraft in the form of jump‐autogyros and helicopters have been under sporadic development since the first world war during which a co‐axial design attributed…

Development of New Structural Materials: Recent research has resulted in the development of new materials with a significant increase in specific strength and specific stiffness

J. Morley

THE mechanical properties of structural materials are ultimately set by the type of atoms forming the solid and the nature of the forces between them. If we want to produce…

The Library Shelf

An alternative title to this book might be ‘The Economic Development of the Modern Airliner’, because what sets the work apart from others on the history of the development of the…


The three manufacturers of the European A‐300 Airbus — Sud‐Aviation in France, Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. in Great Britain and Deutsche Airbus GmbH. in Germany — have formed a…

Personalities in the news

The Minister of Technology, Mr Anthony Wedgwood Bonn, in agreement with the Secretary of State for Defence, has appointed Air Commodore J. S. Mason as Director of Aircraft…

Research and Testing

Equipment, Programmes, Techniques and Projects. Tribology, the subject of the Jost Report in 1966, is the study of interacting surfaces in relative motion and the sciences related…

Cover of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Phil Webb