VINE: Volume 33 Issue 3


Table of contents

The People’s Network: creating and delivering content

Susi Woodhouse

Creating content for the People’s Network (PN) of relevance to users and its effective delivery are critical to its continued success and take‐up of services. Material produced as…

The new People’s Network service

David Potts

The community reach of the People’s Network (30,000 terminals in over 4,000 public libraries) provides a powerful delivery mechanism for e‐Initiatives. Public libraries have an…


The People’s Network and ICT provision in Lincolnshire

Rob McInroy

Lincolnshire Libraries have taken an integrated approach to the provision of information and communications technology (ICT) for lifelong learning, culture, economic and social…


Delivering e‐government – the Derbyshire experience

Robert Gent

The government has set challenging targets for the availability of all public services electronically by 2005. This paper describes the strategy adopted by Derbyshire County…


The People’s Network: challenges for Cambridgeshire

Robert Day

This paper describes the challenges faced by Cambridgeshire Libraries during the implementation of the People’s Network. The critical success factors – the need for staff…

How user‐centred content delivers success on the Web

Rachel Van Riel

Argues that libraries need to keep pace with social changes and specifically must provide better services for the browsing majority. Describes, a ground‐breaking Web…


Access for all: assistive technology in West Sussex libraries

Simon Edwards

Through a successful bid to the People’s Network Excellence Fund, West Sussex Library Service was able to embark on a project to provide assistive technology through the network…



Online date, start – end:

1971 – 2015

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited