Information Technology & People: Volume 10 Issue 3


Table of contents

The truth is out there: the search for emancipatory principles in information systems design

F.A. Wilson

Examines how information systems design may enable progress towards the “ideal speech situation” where free and undistorted communication between equally empowered agents may take…


Customer‐vendor co‐operation

Arne Kjær, Kim Halskov Madsen

Illustrates a case story detailing the customer‐vendor co‐operation in a project concerning the beta test of hardware and software at a radiology department. A qualitative…


Hidden agendas, power and managerial assumptions in information systems development: An ethnographic study

Michael D. Myers, Leslie W. Young

A number of researchers have drawn attention to the way in which information systems development is an inherently political activity. Using the critical social theory of Jurgen…


Augmenting group sense making in ill‐defined, emerging situations: Experiences, lessons learned and issues for future development

John T. Nosek, Michael D. McNeese

Describes how, in ill‐defined, emerging situations, team members struggle to make sense of the situation, react to stimuli from the external environment, and interact with each…

Cover of Information Technology & People



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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Prof Edgar Whitley
  • Prof Kevin Crowston
  • Prof Yulin Fang
  • Prof Jyoti Choudrie