Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents

Total Quality and Management: A Second Conversation

Jon Choppin

Examines, in the form of a second amusing discussion, ways in whichtotal quality can be implemented in a company. Looks at the role ofmanagers and how their roles would be…


BS 5750 – History Shooting Quality in the Foot

John Seddon

Describes the results of research into companies registered to BS 5750(ISO 9000). The research pointed to problems with both the Standard andits implementation. Looks into the…


Training People to Deliver Service Excellence in British Airways

Mike Street

Before 1983 there was much criticism of the level of service at BritishAirways. Describes how British Airways has moved since then to theposition of being able to call itself “The…


Customer Retention at Milliken: Developing Long‐term Relationships

Susan J.R. Cottrell

Describes how Milliken embarked on its pursuit of excellence in customersatisfaction. Its main means of doing this is by an annual customersurvey carried out by an independent…


TQM at the University of Pennsylvania

Paul R. Kleindorfer

The University of Pennsylvania is committed to total quality management.Describes the genesis of the TQM effort in the administrations of theUniversity and in the Wharton School’s…


Service Integrity

Eberhard E. Scheuing, Bo Edvardsson

An important but much neglected aspect of service quality is integrity.Discusses the nature and benefits of service integrity. Begins bydiscussing what service integrity is and…


Problems and Pitfalls of Customer Service Initiatives

Steve Macaulay, Sarah Cook

Companies have increasingly undertaken customer service initiatives onlyto find their programmes beset with difficulties. Addresses the problemsand pitfalls of initiating and…


Service Excellence – The Role of Information Technology

David Jackson, John Humble

Examines ways in which the information technology (IT) function can bemore responsive to its customers. Puts forward a seven‐step plan, withthe emphasis on action. The goal is to…


Managing People and Quality in a Climate of Change

Mike Donnelly

Scottish local government over the past 15 years has experienced almostcontinual pressure for change. Examines the outcome of a seminar withprofessionals in local government which…


The Route to Total Quality Management – Part Two

John McDonnell

Total quality management (TQM) was adopted in Australia in the 1980s.One of the few service, as distinct from manufacturing, organizations totake it up, Price Waterhouse…


“I Serve” : Total Quality Requires a Service Culture, Even in Manufacturing

Jon Choppin

The basic ingredients of most total quality initiatives are the customerrelationships. However, the concept of “customer” may not be sufficient toimprove people in organizations…


The New Role of Service in Customer Retention

Jennifer Potter‐Brotman

New research suggests that the role of service in customer retention ismore critical than ever in the 1990s. The Forum Corporation recentlyembarked on a large‐scale research…




Online date, start – end:

1991 – 2014

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Emerald Publishing Limited