Equal Opportunities International: Volume 18 Issue 2/3/4


Table of contents

How to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

Elizabeth Smalensky, Brian H. Kleiner

Argues that a clear policy on sexual harassment will help male and female employees work together effectively, because it will reduce women’s worries about harassment, while…


Examples of excellent sexual harassment policies

Hasiao Fang, Brian H. Kleiner

Lists the elements in a good sexual harassment policy, explaining why they are needed in the policy and indicating their scope. Presents two examples of sexual harassment…


Sexual harassment in public schools

Li‐Min Chuang, Brian H. Kleiner

Looks at the extent and consequences of sexual harassment in US schools. Points out that sexual harassment can occur at a young age and can happen to pupils of either gender…


Sexual harassment in American industry

Renee M. Gonzales, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the stance taken in law to sexual harassment in the workplace, indicating the responsibilities this gives to US firms and individual employees. Briefly outlines the steps…


Sexual harassment in the workplace

Steve Kim, Brian H. Kleiner

Emphasizes that sexual harassment covers a wide range of unacceptable activities, can be committed by a wide range of people, and can happen to almost anybody, irrespective of…


How to determine proper corrective action following sexual harassment investigations

Kurt Jensen, Brian H. Kleiner

Argues that there is a wide range of ways to resolve sexual harassment cases in the USA, and that the severity of the action taken against perpetrators should fit the seriousness…

Office romances in organisations

Daniel R. Kruse, Brian H. Kleiner

Points out that office r0mances are inevitable but that they can pose difficulties for company policy. Looks at the legal responsibility that a US company has for preventing…


New development concerning gender discrimination in the workplace

Cynthia V. Sandico, Brian H. Kleiner

Looks at how US organizations can prevent gender discrimination and support women in the workplace. Lists the actions that organizations have been recommended to take to ensure…


New developments concerning discrimination in city government

Merey A. Kamel, Brian H. Kleiner

Lists the factors that may prevent women and people from ethnic minorities from reaching their full potential in their careers in US city local government, setting out why they…

New developments in reverse discrimination

Robert Menache, Brian H. Kleiner

Examines recent moves in the USA to prevent affirmative action (also known as reverse discrimination), looking at the proposition passed in California in 1996 which has made…

How to eliminate discrimination in the workplace

Ratsamy Phomphakdy, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the US legislation that makes job discrimination illegal, setting out the six main types of discrimination that are proscribed ‐ disability, age, sexual harassment, race…


How to use statistics in discrimination cases

John R. Matthews, Brian H. Kleiner

Explains how defendants and plaintiffs can use statistics in US court cases concerning discrimination to bolster their case. Outlines when not to use statistics; how to analyse…


Sex discrimination in hiring the glass ceiling

Yuan Cai, Brian H. Kleiner

Presents evidence that the “glass ceiling” affects the career development of women in many professions the USA, including those in which they predominate in the entry levels, such…


New developments concerning discrimination against workers with HIV or AIDS

Suzana Firmansyah, Brian H. Kleiner

Indicates the number of people in the USA who have contracted HIV or AIDS. Looks at discrimination against people with HIV or AIDS in the US workplace, setting out their legal…

New developments concerning discrimination based on denial of pregnancy disability leave

Hasiato‐Kuan Yang, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the US laws that give women protection from discrimination when pregnant. Defines the scope of pregnancy disability and outlines the responsibilities that employers have…

New developments concerning retaliatory discrimination

Victor E. Guerrero, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the protection given to employees from retaliation from employers if they file a claim alleging discrimination under US law. Draws on case history to illustrate this…

New developments concerning religious accommodation in the workplace

Richard William Schulze, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out US and Californian law on religious discrimination, setting out the protection this gives employees from being discriminated against in either employment, training or…

New developments in age discrimination

Berlinda (Ching‐Hui) Peng, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the US law concerning age discrimination and looks at how recent court cases have ruled out the “ burden of proof” that the employee have to show before winning an age…


New developments concerning work/family programmes

Lynne Bolen, Brian H. Kleiner

Summarizes the evidence that US firms benefit from making the workplace more family‐friendly. Looks at the main issues of family leave, dependent care and flexible work schedules…

Current compliance with the family and medical leave act

Andrea Rembold, Brian H. Kleiner

Sets out the provisions of the US Family and Medical Leave Act, and summarizes the exceptions clause which defines which employees are excepted from these provisions. Explains how…



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